CODE: 031 TIME 2.30HRS              Friday 07 AUGUST, 2020


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C
  2. Answer all questions in each section
  3. Write your examination number at the top right corner of every page
  4. Show your work clearly
  5. All diagrams should be drawn in pencil
  6. Where necessary the following constants may be used:
    1. Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 10M/S2
    2. Density of water = 1g/cm3


SECTION A: 30 Marks

1. Write the letter of the most correct answer in the table below

  1. The study of matter in relation to energy is called ……………….
    1. Chemistry
    2. Physicists                                (    )
    3. Biology
    4. Physics
  2. The force which causes tear and wear between the machine parts is known as
    1. Friction
    2. Torsional
    3. Repulsive                                (    )
    4. Magnetic
  3. Ferry – boat floats in sea water because its density is ………………
    1. Greater than that of water
    2. Smaller than that of water                        (    )
    3. The same as its weight
    4. Greater than its weight
  4. Which of the following is not sustainable source of energy
    1. Sun
    2. Generator                                (    )
    3. Wind
    4. Sea water
  5. A temperature of 680C is equivalent to
    1. 29F
    2. 450E
    3. 154.4F                                    (    )
    4. 90.40C
  6. A beam balance is used to measure ………………….
    1. Weight
    2. Mass
    3. Heat
    4. Density


  7. Which of the following is not a form of energy
    1. Chemical
    2. Heat                                    (    )
    3. Nuclear
    4. Joule
  8. The ability of the material to return to its original shape and size after being stretched is called
    1. Plasticity
    2. Plastic deformation                            (    )
    3. Elastic deformation
    4. Elasticity
  9. An instrument used to store electric charges is called
    1. Capacitance
    2. Capacitor
    3. Resistor                                —————————————-(    )
    4. Inductor
  10. The point of support about which a bar or lever turns is referred to as
    1. Point
    2. Load arm
    3. Fulcrum                                (    )
    4. Pulley
  11. The state of balance of a body is known as
    1. Equilibrium
    2. Static equilibrium
    3. Dynamic equilibrium                            (    )
    4. Neutral equilibrium
  12. Water is unsuitable as thermometric liquid because it:-
    1. Boils at 800C
    2. Freeze at -1120C
    3. Wets glass                                 (    )
    4. Does not wet glass
  13. The energy which is obtained from hot rocks underground is known as
    1. Geothermal energy
    2. Solar energy                                (    )
    3. Water energy
    4. Wind energy
  14. Ability of a man to walk properly along a road is one of the application of
    1. Stable equilibrium
    2. Unstable equilibrium                            (    )
    3. Neutral equilibrium
    4. Neutral and stable equilibrium
  15. When a body of mass M is lifted through height “h” it possesses the energy known as
    1. Kinetic energy
    2. Chemical energy                            (    )
    3. Light energy
    4. Potential energy
  16. A body weight 3.6N in air and 2.4 when fully immersed in water. The density of the body in g/cm3 is
    1. 0.4
    2. 3.0
    3. 2.0                                (    )
    4. 0.02


  1. “Lateral inversion” is a behavior shown by:
    1. Capacitors
    2. Hydrometers                                (    )
    3. Mirrors
    4. Thermometers
  2. Figure 1 shows a ruler balanced by placing the loads at its ends. What is the weight X?

    1. 100N
    2. 7.5N                            (    )
    3. 200N        
    4. 5N
  3. Because of________oil can be used as a lubricant
    1. Capillarity
    2. Viscosity                    (    )
    3. Elasticity
    4. Porosity
  4. The following instruments are used to measure length except
    1. Hydrometer
    2. Meter rule                            (    )
    3. Micrometer screw gauge
    4. Vernier caliper



2. Match the item in List A with the correct response in List B by writing the correct response below the number of the corresponding item in List A in the table provided




(i)High center of gravity

(ii)Centre of gravity

(iii)Center of mass


(v)Bending forward when running

  1. Stable
  2. Two similar objects
  3. A point where the amount of a substance act
  4. Action of center of gravity to increase the speed
  5. Unstable
  6. Two opposing forces
  7. A point where the weight seem to act
  8. TO avoid falling when running
  9. Amount of substance a body contains



















Answer all questions in this section

3(i) Device for storing charges is called ………………..

(ii) The S.I unit of density is known as…………………….

(iii) Attractive force between the molecules of different substances is called ………………….

(iv) The tendency of an object to remain on the surface of the fluid due to the force exerted by the fluid is called ……………………

(v) The number of images (n) formed between mirrors placed at θ0C is given by formula n = …………………

4. (a) differentiate between

(i)Adhesion and cohesion



(ii) Static equilibrium and Kinetic equilibrium



(iii) Load and Effort



(iv) Elasticity and Viscosity


(b) What is meant by Osmosis?

(c) Use the diagrams to show/verify the laws of magnetism


5. (a) Observe the following diagram and answer questions below


(i) Mention property of a magnetic shown

(ii) What does “X” represent……………

(iii) What is the meaning of “X”………………..

(b) Draw the diagram to show

(i) Regular reflection of light rays

(ii) Irregular reflection of light rays

6 (a) State Ohm’s law.


(b) When the battery of two cells is connected between the terminals of resistor R the Ammeter read o.5ῼ and a Voltmeter reads 2.o V

(i)Draw an electric circuit from the explanation

(ii) Calculate the resistance of the resistor R

(C) Write down the factors affecting the resistance of the resistor.


7 (a) Define the following terms as applied in physics

(i) Real weight …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


(ii) Up thrust ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


(b) (i) State Archimedes principle …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


(ii) Why when a body is immersed in liquid its weight tends to be reduced?

(c)When an object is totally immersed in water its weight is recorded as 4N. If its weight in air is 5.1N. Calculate

(i) The relative density of an object

(ii) The density of an object

8. (a) Draw a well labeled diagram of a Gold Leaf Electroscope

(b) State the functions of a device in (a) above


(c) Define a capacitor and state the factor which affects the capacitance of a capacitor.



Answer all questions in this section

9. (a) Define pressure and state its SI unit

(b) Explain why it is easier to cut a piece of meat by using a sharp knife than a blunt knife?

(c)A rectangular box whose dimensions are 1.2M by 0.5M by 2M has a density of 25kg/m3. Calculate the maximum pressure which can be exerted when placed on a flat ground.


10.(a) State Newton’s laws of motion

(b) A body of a mass 32kg moving with a velocity of 40m/s collides with another body of mass 16kg moving with a velocity of 20m/s in the same direction. If the two bodies tends to stick together after the collision. Calculate the common velocity shared by two bodies.


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