(For Both Private and School Candidates)
TIME: 3’00 Hours 21/06/2021 – Morning Session
- This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of fifteen (15) questions.
- Answer ALL questions in sections A and B and TWO (2) questions from section C.
- Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B sixty (60) marks and section C carries twenty five (25) marks.
- All writing must be in blue or black pen, except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil.
- Write ALL answers in the answer sheet provided.
- Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer sheet (3)
This paper consists of 4 printed pages
Answer ALL questions
- Choose the most correct response among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided:
- What is the main product of anaerobic respiration in animals
- Lactic acid
- Alcohol
- Pyruvic acid
- Uric acid
- Lactic acid
- Filarial worms belong to which of the following phylum?
- Platyhelminthes
- Arthropoda
- Nematoda
- Annelida
- Platyhelminthes
- An instrument which can be used to identify small sections of cells from a cross-section cut of a leaf is:
- Test tube
- Microscope
- Watch glass
- Hand lens
- Test tube
- Malnutritional disorder which is caused by intentional intake of very little amount of food is called:
- Marasmus
- Kwashiorkor
- Anorexia nervosa
- Hypoglucocorticoids
- Marasmus
- The most abundant plant species on the world especially in tropical and equatorial regions are:
- Angiosperms
- Conifers
- Bryophytes
- Filicinophytes
- Angiosperms
- Egg cells and paramecia move by using:
- Cilia
- Flagella
- Pseudopodia
- Cell membrane
- Cilia
- Which of the following organisms are in the group of round worms?
- Planaria, hookworms and earthworms
- Hookworms, ascaris and filarial worms
- Earth worms, liver flukes and blood flukes
- Hook worms, liver flukes and blood flukes
- Planaria, hookworms and earthworms
- The peculiar feature of cardiac muscles is that they are:
- involuntary
- myogenic
- made up of muscle fibres
- Containing multi-nuclei and cardio-discs.
- involuntary
- Why is the transfusion of blood from a donor with blood group O to a recipient with blood group AB is successful?
- The recipient’s blood has no antibodies
- The recipient’s blood has no antigens
- The donor’s blood has many antigens
- The recipient’s blood has antigen O.
- The recipient’s blood has no antibodies
- Height of an individual is an example of the traits which show continuous variation because:
- Shows clear-cut differences
- Shows two extremes
- `it is qualitative
- Shows intermediate forms.
- Shows clear-cut differences
- Match the items in list A with their correct responses from list B and write the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided:
- Crabs
- Spiders
- Centipedes
- Butter Flies
- Millipedes
- Have exoskeleton
- Have four pairs of walking legs
- Undergo sexual reproduction by laying eggs
- Have one pair of walking legs in each segment and move very fast.
- Have one pair of walking legs in each body segment and move slowly
- Have six legs for walking
- Use book lungs and tracheal system for gaseous exchange.
- Have carapace for effective protection
- Herbivorous with two pairs of walking legs in each of their body segment
- Crabs
Answer ALL questions.
- Study the following diagram carefully and the answer the following questions:
- Identify the five components of the nervous system from the diagram above.
- State the role of each component mentioned in 3.(a) above in the process of coordination illustrated by this diagram.
- State three significances of the process illustrated the diagram above.
- Identify the five components of the nervous system from the diagram above.
- “Falling down, fire burns and cut accidents are very common at home and school”:
- Mention one cause for each of the mentioned accident
- Outline any three measures which can be taken to reduce the frequency of accidents at home and school.
- State three advantages of giving first aid to a victim.
- Mention one cause for each of the mentioned accident
- In an experiment, a rose plant with white flowers was crossed with another rose plant with pink flowers and all of their F1 generation had cream flowers. After selfing the rose plants with cream flowers; the mixture of rose plants with cream flowers, white flowers and pink flowers was observed in F2 generation.
- What type of inheritance is this?
- If total of 96 f2 pea plants was produced, how many were:
- White-flowered pea plants?
- Pink-flowered pea plants?
- Cream-flowered pea plants?
- White-flowered pea plants?
- What type of inheritance is this?
- Differentiate shark from tilapia fish under the following guidelines:
- Nature of their skeletons
- Type of their scales
- Position of their mouths
- Structure of their tail fins
- Nature of their skeletons
- “Water and salts are needed in constant-optimal amounts for effective and proper functioning of the body”.
- Explain three factors which affect the contents of water and salts in human body.
- Mention the two hormones which are responsible for regulating the amount of water and salts in the body.
- Explain three factors which affect the contents of water and salts in human body.
- The KIAJUU’s school garden comprises of the grasses, hibiscus trees, natural water fountain, butterflies, lizards, grasshoppers, fertile soil, snakes, highly oxygenated atmosphere, centipedes, scorpions and eagles.
- (i). Mention three biotic components and three abiotic components present in the KIAJUU’s school garden.
(ii). State the roles of the abiotic components mentioned in 6. (a) (i). above.
- Construct a food web of the KIAJUU’s school garden ecosystem.
- Is the KIAJUU’s school garden ecosystem complete (stable) or not complete? Support your answer.
- State the roles of the following structures in a mammalian heart:
- Left Ventricle
- Right Auricle
- Septum
- Bicuspid Valve
- Coronary Arteries
- Left Ventricle
- (a) Draw a well labeled diagram of an animal cell.
(b) Mention any three cell organelles which are found in both plant and animal cells.
- State one function of each of the following types of the food in the body of human being:
- Carbohydrates
- Proteins
- Lipids
- Vitamin C
- Roughages
- Water
- Carbohydrates
- Batuli was experiencing very serious abdominal pain for about six months before he decided to go to the hospital for medical assistance. The Ultrasound Scan
results showed the large portion of the Batuli’s ileum to be affected by tape worms. The doctor proposed the affected part of the intestine to be removed by surgery after prescribing some strong antibiotics to Batuli.
- Suggest the possible way(s) by which Batuli could have been contracted the tapeworms.
- Why did the doctor prescribed the strong antibiotics and recommended removal of affected part of the ileum?
- Mention two possible effects that Batuli will experience after the part of his ileum removed by surgery.
- Name the process by which the Batuli’s ileum will re-join and recover surgery.
- Suggest the possible way(s) by which Batuli could have been contracted the tapeworms.
Answer TWO questions only from this section.
where Question 13 is COMPULSORY.
- Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the dangerous communicable diseases. Suppose you have been assigned to move around the rural Tanzanian areas to educate people about TB, write down the:-
- Causes,
- Ways of transmission,
- Symptoms,
- Effects and
- Control measures of TB.
- Causes,
- Write an essay of four (4) points about applications of genetics in the daily life human life.
- Regardless the advancement in Science and Technology, Traditional methods of food processing and preservation are still in use. By giving four reasons and an example in each case, explain the need of keeping on using the traditional methods of food processing and preservation.