Proposed marking Guide 2019
1. (a) Behavioural characteristics associated with a strong need for
achievement possessed by Mr. Malevu include:-
- Highly motivated and action oriented.
- Formulated concrete and moderate goals based on his abilities and efforts.
- Had internal involvement with goals and personal responsibility for the outcome.
- Analysed the business environment to create opportunities.
- Sought advice from entrepreneurs in similar business.
- Learnt from feedback to see if right methods were used and sight goals were set.
- Ensure that there is high efficiency in the business through delegation of duties , selecting priorities and motivating staff.
- Etc.
Any 5×1 =05 marks
NB evidence is needed /implied.
(b) Factors that affected Mr. Malevu’s choice of business idea included the following:-
- Training acquired in Bachelors of Building and construction Engineering.
- Need for self employment.
- Passion/ personal Interest for the occupation
- Personal capacity to raise the needed capita.
- Presence of market
- Technical assistance/advice from entrepreneurs in similar business.
- Etc.
Any 3×1 =03 marks)
NB Evidence is required.
(c) Basic steps Mr. Malevu could have followed when taking out the insurance policy includes.
- Making an inquiry and Taking quotations
- Choosing the insurance company and policy
- Checking the budged to determining how much money to spend on insurance.
- Filling the proposal form and paying premiums
- Receiving the cover note and insurance policy.
Any 4×1 =04 marks
NB:They must be in a chronological order.
No evidence required.
(d) Mr. Malevu ensures better time management in business by:-
- Keeping diaries for noting down activities to be performed.
- Delegating duties to employees.
- Selects priorities to be done first.
- Establishing the hardware shop and consultancy office on the same building.
- Uses computers to reduce paper work.
- Motivates his staff
- Choosing useful reading materials in unavoidable free time.
- Any 4×1 = 04 marks
- NB Evidence required/implied
(e) Benefits enjoyed by modern building and construction centre for selling goods on cash basis include:-
- Provides constant supply of working capital
- Helps to reduce risks of bad debts
- Helps the business to plan for the use of the working capital.
- Enables constant supply of inventories since there is ready cash.
- Helps in proper management of stock
- Enjoys reduced administrative expenses associated with credit sales e.g documentation and time wastage in following up customers.
Any 5×1 = 05 marks)
NB.No evidence required.
2. (a) General description of the business should include the following:-
- Name and address of business(Reflecting its nature)
- Physical location of the business
- Products offered.
- Target customers/ market
- Date of establishment
- Source of capital to the business
- Ownership/Nature /legal form of business.
- Description of business assets and premises
- Uniqueness of the business
- Purpose of the business i.e vision, mission, Goals and objectives
- SWOT analysis i.e business strength , weaknesses, opportunities , and threats.
- Any 4×1 =04 marks)
NB: Must be prepared.
(b) (i) Cash management policing that were used in the business
included :
- Banking all cash received intact on daily basis.
- Receiving and payment of cash by only the authorized person.
- Receipting and documenting all cash received and paid out.,
- Keeping cash at the business premises under lock and key.
- Proper counting and checking of cash received and paid out to ensure correctness.
- Avoiding use of business funds by the club officials on personal matters
- Keeping safety receipts and other documents related to accountability of cash.
- Receiving bank statements on regular basis
- Giving accountability by the club officials to the members.
- Carrying out regular auditing
- Training the officials in charge of cash in financial management.
Any 6×1 =06 marks
NB. Evidence is required.
(b)(ii) Measures taken to increase profits
- Increasing prices of goods.
- Producing quality products/services
- Involving members in doing the work than employing paid workers
- Buying raw materials/stock from cheaper sources /in bulk.
- Reducing advertising costs by announcing the products/service on assemblies.
- Using cheaper but attractive packing materials
- Increasing sales through motivating sales personnel, advertising etc.
- Being creative and innovative
- Using free school facilities such as premises, utilities, security, transport etc
Any 4×1 =04 marks)
NB Evidence is required /may be implied.
(c) Factors that were considered when pricing products may include:
- The cost of the product/production cost.
- Income level of the customers
- Objectives of firm
- Nature of the product and prices
- charged by the competitors
- Quality of the product
- Need to make prices attractive to customers
- Quantity in which customers buy.
Any 4×1 =04 marks
NB.Evidence is required.
(d) How the business project was sustained may include the following:-
- Training of the club members.
- Provision of quality products/services/improvement in quality.
- Offering of a variety of products
- Appropriate/ fair pricing of the products
- Advertising the business products
- Avoiding drawings
- Re-investing profits
- Practicing good business ethics.
- Meeting legal obligations eg school rules and obligation
- Raising more capital from external sources.
- Etc.
Any 6×1 =06 marks
3. (a) (i) Nature of the business may be manufacturing or Trading or
service or agribusiness and brands depend on the business operated.
Nature – 01mark
Brand(s) – 01 mark
- (ii) The vision and mission statements depend on the nature of the business. 1 mark for each
- How the club members were motivated in carrying out business activities include:-
- Specialization and division of labour
- Giving them some of the products produced.
- Paying them salary
- Sharing of profits on termly basis
- Allowing them to participate in club competitions.
- Training of club members
- Allowing all members to participate in decision making.
- Organising and conducting free and fair elections for club leadership.
- Recognising outstanding club members
- Etc.
Any 4×2 = 08 marks
NB Evidence is required.
- Techniques that were used to make the products unique in the market may include:
- Unique packaging
- Uniqueness in quality
- Uniqueness in pricing
- Uniqueness in colour
- Uniqueness in size/quantity
- Uniqueness in shape/style
Any 4×1 = 04 marks)
NB evidence is required.
- (i) Factors that were based on to assess the business risks include:
- Experience and abilities of the club members.
- Availability of market
- Pricing policies and strategies. Cash flow and capital requirements
- Flexibility of the business
- Honesty of the club members/employees.
Any 5×1 =05 marks)
NB: Evidence is required
- (ii) Techniques of negotiating with customers employed in marketing business products successfully included.
- Communicating frequently.
- Offering customers rewards
- Holding special events
- Promoting two way communication
- Enhancing customers service .
- Launching multicultural programs
- Visiting customers
- Using non-productive value methods
- Being pleasant
Any 4×1 =04 marks
4. (a) As question 2 part (a)
Any 4×1 =04 marks
NB Must be prepared.
(b) Management tasks performed may include the following:
- Financial management
- Human resource management
- Production management
- Marketing management
Any 3×2 =06 marks
NB. Mentioning -01 mark
Evidence -01 mark
4. (c) How the business depends on the natural environment includes the following:-
- Land for construction of business premises.
- Raw materials
- Labour for carrying out business operations
- Market for its products
Any 4×1 =04 marks
NB. Evidence is required.
(d) (i) Business ethics practiced by owner(s) of the business towards
employees include:
- Guaranteeing a safe work place.
- Giving fair remuneration/salaries and wages
- Giving fair and clear terms of employment
- Providing good working conditions
- Respecting workers
- Ensuring job security
- Politeness
- Arranging for proper training and education of the employees
- Giving room for creativity
- Any 7×1 =07 marks
NB: Evidence is required.
(d) (ii) Challenges associated with family involvement in the business may include
- Difficult decision making
- Succession of the enterprise.
- Growth limitations
- Limited vision
- Limited skills and talent to operate the business.
- Role confusion
- Benefits sharing conflicts
- Laziness among family members
- Theft and misuse of business funds and stocks
- Withdrawing of goods from the business for their personal use.
- Etc.
Any 4×1 =04 marks
NB:No evidence required.
5. (a) As question 2 part (a)
Any 4×1 =04 mark
(b) Presence of water body /source.
- Presence of adequate power
- Presence of necessary labour both unskilled and skilled
- Presence of cheap /free industrial land.
- Availability of raw materials
- Developed other infrastructure such as roads railway, and communication facilities
- Presence of adequate market.
- Adequate/presence of security
- Etc.
Any 4×1 =04 marks
(c) Using the SWOT analysis , the strengths of the business include the
- Production of a variety of products
- Production of high quality products /services
- Good branding /strong brand image.
- Excellent advertising.
- Use of modern technology
- Wide distribution network
- Good time management practices
- Adequate capital raised by owners
- Entrepreneurial skills/Abilities to manage the business by owners/Employment of skilled and qualified personnel.
- Ready market provided by large labour force.
- Etc.
Any 6×1=06 marks
NB:Evidence is required.
(d)(i) Marking mix strategies used in business include:
- Product.
- Price/pricing
- Promotion of business products
- Place/Distribution channel used in marketing of products.
- Packaging
- People
- Positioning
- Etc.
Any 6×1 =06 marks
NB evidence is required.
(d)(ii) Challenges faced in marketing business products may include:
- Stiff competition.
- Theft of business products and cash during marketing/Theft and robbery
- Adulteration of business products
- Inadequate transport facilities
- Change in customer’s taste and preference
- Bad debtors/identifying credit worthy customers to be offered credit.
- Theft /embezzlement of business funds by sales team.
- Fixing affordable prices.
- Unfavourable weather like rain that hinder movements
- Customer skeptism in having doubts in the commodity
- Under developed infrastructure especially roads causing unnecessary delays and break down of vehicles.
Any 5×1 =05 mark
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