
Literature in English

Paper 2

July/August 2019





Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education









  • This paper consists of four sections; A, B, C and D.
  • Candidates must answer three questions.
  • One question must be chosen from A and two others from B, C and D.
  • Not more than one question may be chosen from one section.
  • Any additional questions attempted will not be marked.








1.    MESSENGER    :    O my good Lord, the Duke of Cornwall’s dead,

                Slain by his servant, going to put out

                The other eye of Gloucester.

    ALBANY:        Gloucester’s eyes

    MESSENGER    :    A servant that he bred, thrilled with remorse,

                Oppos’d against the act: bending his sword

                To his great master, who, threat enrag’d,

                Flew on him and amongst them

                Fell’d him dead,

But not without that harmful stroke, which since Hath pluck’d him after.

ALBANY:        This shows you are above

            You justice, that these our nether crimes

            So speedily can venge. But (O poor Gloucester)

            Lost he his other eye?

MESSENGER    :    Both, both, my Lord.

            This letter Madam, craves a speedy answer:

            ‘Tis from your sister.

GONERIL    :    One way I like this well.

            but being widow, and my Gloucester with her

            may all the building in my

            fancy pluck

            upon my hateful life. Another way

            The news is not so tart. I’ll read, and answer.



ALBANY    :    Where was his son, when they did take his eyes?

MESSENGER    :    Come with my lady hither.

ALBANY    :    He is not here

MESSENGER    :    No my good Lord, I met him back again.

ALBANY    :    Knows he the wickedness?

MESSENGER    :    Ay my good Lord: ’twas he inform’d against him

            And quit the house on purpose, that their punishment

            Might have the freer course.

ALBANY    :    Gloucester, I live

            To thank thee for the love thou show’dst the king,

            And to revenge thine eyes. Come hither friends, tell me what

            More than know’st




(a)    What events lead to this passage?                (08marks)


(b)    How is Gloucesters character portrayed in the extract?            (08marks)


(c)    Explain the themes depicted in this extract.                (08marks)


(d)    What is the significance of this extract to the rest of the play, “King Lear?” (10marks)


    WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE :     Romeo and Juliet


2.    BENVOLIO    :    By my head, here comes the capulets.     

    MERCUTIO    :    By my heel, I care not.

    TYBALT     :    Follow me close, for I will speak to them.

                Gentlemen, good den; a word with one of you

    MERCUTIO    :    And but one word with one of us? Couple it with something,

                make it a word and a blow.        

    TYBALT    :    You shall find me apt enough to that sir, an you will give me


    MERCUTIO    :    Could you not take some occasion without giving?

    TYBALT    :    Mercuito, thou consortest with Romeo

    MERCUTIO    :    Consort? What dost thou make us minstrels? An thou make

                Minstrels of us, look to hear nothing but discords.

                Here’s my fiddlestick, here’s that shall make you dance.

                ‘Zounds, consorts!

    BENVOLIO    :    We talk here in the public haunt of men.

                either withdraw into some private place,

                and reason coldly of your grievances, or else depart;

                here all eyes were made to look, and let them gaze.

    MERCUTIO    :    Mens eyes were made to look, and let them gaze.

                I will not budge for no man’s pleasure, I

                (Enter Romeo)

    TYBALT    :    Well, peace be with you sir, here comes my man.

    MERCUTIO    :    But I’ll be hanged sir, if he wear your livery,

                Marry go before to field, he’ll be your follower,

                Your worship in that sense may call him a man.

    TYBALT    :    Romeo, the love I bear thee can afford.

                No better term than this – thou art a villain.

    ROMEO    :    Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee.

                Doth much excuse the appertaining rage

                To such a greeting. Villain am I none.

                Therefore farewell, I see thou knowest me not.

    TYBALT    :    Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries.

                That thou hast done me, therefore turn and draw.

    ROMEO        :    I do protest, I never injured thee, but love three better than

    thou caust devise.

    Till thou shalt know the reason of my love.

    And so good capulet, which name I tender.

    As dearly as my own, be satisfied.


(a)    Briefly explain what leads to this passage.                      (08marks)

(b)    Describe the character of Tybalt and Mercutio as portrayed in the extract.(08marks)

(c)    What techniques are used in the extract to portray the emotions of the characters in this passage?                                     (08marks)

(d)    Compare Romeo’s reaction to Tybalts provocation in this passage with his reaction in his final encounter with Tybalt later in the scene.              (10marks)


3.    WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE:     Julius Ceasar Cinna


    I dreamt tonight that I did feast with ceasar,

    And things unluckily charge my fantasy.

    I have no will to wander forth of doors,

    Yet something leads me forth

            (Enter citizens)


        First citizen

    What is your name?

        Second citizen

    Whither are you going?

    Third citizen: Where do you dwell?

    Fourth citizen: Are you a married man or a bachelor?

    Second citizen: Answer every man directly.

    First citizen: Ay, and briefly.

    Third citizen: Ay, and wisely.

    Fourth citizen: Ay, and truly, you were best

    Cinna: What is my name? Whither am I going? Where do I dwell? Am I

        married man or a bachelor?

        Then, to answer every man directly and briefly, wisely and truly:

        Wisely I say, I am a bachelor.

    Second citizen: That’s as much as to say,

             they are fools that marry;

             you’ll bear me a bang for that,

        I fear. Proceed; directly.

    Cinna :    Directly, I am going to ceasars funerals.

    First citizen:    As a friend or an enemy?

    Cinna:    As a friend

    Second citizen:    That matter is answered directly

    Fourth citizen: For your dwelling, briefly.

    Cinna :    Briefly, I dwell by the capitol

    Third citizen:     Your name, sir, truly.

    Cinna:    Briefly, I dwell by the capitol

    Third citizen:    Your name, sir, truly.

    Cinna:    Truly my name is Cinna.

    Second citizen:    Tear him to pieces! He’s a conspirator.

    Cinna:    I am cinna the poet, I am cinna the poet.

    Fourth citizen:    Tear him for his bad verses,

        Tear him for his bad verses.

    Cinna:    I am not Cinna he conspirator.

    Second citizen:    It is no matter, his name is cinna; pluck but his name out of his

        heart, and turn him going.

    Third citizen :     Tear him, tear him! Come, brands, ho! Firebrands!

        To Brutus, to cassius; burn all.

        Some to Decius’ house, and some to carcas; some to


    Away! Go!



(a)    What leads to this passage?                            (08marks)

(b)    Discuss the character of the citizens as portrayed by the extract.    (08marks)

(c)    Briefly discuss the major theme depicted in this passage.         (08marks)

(d)    What is the significance of this extract to what happens elsewhere in the play?




    MOLIER:    The imaginary Invalid


4.    Discuss the character of Joinnet as portrayed in the play, The Imaginary Invalid.


5.    What dramatic techniques do Moliere us in the play; The Imaginary Invalid?         


    HENRIK IBSEN: A Doll’s House


6.    Discuss the dramatic techniques used to develop themes in Dolls house.


7.    Describe the character of Nora and illustrate how she is used for the playwright’s thematic concerns.


    OKOITI OMTATA:    Lwanda Magere


8.    Discuss the thematic concerns of Okoiti in the play, Lwanda Magere.


9.    How relevant is the play Lwanda Magere to the society we live in today?        



GEORGE BENARD SHAW     :    The Devil’s Disciple


10.    Explain how feelings are evoked in the play, “The Devil’s Disciple?”


11.    What makes Richard Dudgeon an admirable character?


    R.B. SHERIDAN : “The School for Scandal”


12.    Discuss how the themes of scandal and betrayal are presented in the play, The School for Scandal.


13.    What role does Lady Sneer well play in the play; The School for Scandal?


ROBERT BOLT:    A man for all seasons


14.    What important lessons can one draw from the play; A man for all seasons?


15.    What emotions are evoked in the play; A man for all seasons?




JOHN RUGANDA :    Echoes of Silence


16.    Explain John Rugandas use of symbolism in the play, Echoes of silence.


17.    How is interest sustained in the play; Echoes of silences.


DAVID MULWA: Inheritance


18.    Discuss the view that the people of Kutula colony are suffering with close reference to the play, Inheritance.


19.    Discuss the role of Tamina in the play Inheritance.




20.    Discuss how the theme of women emancipation in the play, Aminata.


21.    How is Ababio a reflection of our society today?








1 Comment

  • Namagandasuzan, August 23, 2022 @ 5:55 am Reply


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