Uganda Certificate of Education


Paper 1

2 hours 30 minutes



  • This paper consists of parts I and II


  • Part I and section A of Part II are Compulsory


  • Answer only one question from section B of Part II






  1. Which one of the following features is seen as evidence of river capture?
    1. A meander
    2. Pot holes
    3. Alluvial van
    4. Misfit river


  2. Which of the following industries is often associated with limestone region?
    1. Glass making
    2. Steel manufacturing
    3. Cement manufacturing
    4. Cottage industry


  3. Block disintegration is a result of…………………..
    1. freezing and thawing.
    2. expansion and contraction of rocks.
    3. action of plant roots and burrowing animals.
    4. hydrolysis.


  4. Which of the following are secondary industries?
    1. Sugar refining and textile     
    2. Fishing and quarrying
    3. Textile and quarrying         
    4. Fishing and sugar refining


  5. Which of the following lakes was formed as a result of man’s activities?
    1. Lake Mutanda
    2. Lake Bunyonyi
    3. Lake Kibimba
    4. Lake Kijanebarola


  6. The tree whose bark is used in the leather tanning process is
    1. Eucalyptus
    2. Wattle
    3. Baobab
    4. Prodocarp




  7. The Rangelands in East Africa are mainly used for………..
    1. settlement.
    2. mining.
    3. agriculture.
    4. wild life conservation.


  8. The major source of power used in industries at Olkaria near Naivasha is ……
    1. Geothermal
    2. Thermal
    3. Hydro – electricity
    4. Bio gas


  9. Which of the following is an example of stratified rocks?
    1. Coral reefs
    2. Pumice
    3. Granite
    4. Shale


  10. An instrument used to measure the relative humidity of the air is known as
    1. Barometer
    2. Hydrometer
    3. Hygrometer
    4. Anemometer


  11. A steep slope overlooking the floor of a rift valley in faulted regions is known as
    1. Tilted block
    2. Horst
    3. Graben
    4. Escarpment


  12. The lines drawn on a map showing places of equal amount of sunshine are known as
    1. Isohels
    2. Isonephs
    3. Isobars .
    4. Isohyets






  13. In map reading the vertical lines are known as?
    1. Northings    
    2. Eastings
    3. Southings        
    4. Isohyets


  1. Which of the following weathering processes is common in the glaciated areas of East Africa?
    1. Oxidation
    2. Carbonation
    3. Frost shattering
    4. Solution


    1. The East African rift valley areas are mainly used for ………..
      1. Animal rearing
      2. Hunting
      3. Bee keeping
      4. Arable farming


    2. Cashew nuts in East Africa are grown in the …………..
      1. High land areas
      2. Rift valley areas
      3. Coastal areas
      4. Lake Victoria shores


    3. The main factor influencing the development of a soil catena in East Africa is ………
      1. Relief
      2. Drainage
      3. Climate
      4. Vegetation


    4. The use of air transport with in East Africa is limited by ……
      1. few commodities to transport.
      2. few air ports and aerodromes.
      3. high fares.
      4. competition from road transport.






  1. Coral reefs are not found at the mouth of rivers on the East African coast because the water is…………
    1. Warm
    2. Salty
    3. Shallow
    4. Muddy


    1. Which two places in East Africa are important for cement production?
      1. Hima and Mobuku        
      2. Tanga and Mombasa
      3. Tororo and Hima    
      4. Hima and Kitale


    2. The crop that thrives best in acidic soils is …….
      1. Tea
      2. Sisal
      3. Coffee
      4. Cotton


    3. Which longitude does not cross East Africa?
      1. 30oE
      2. 0o
      3. 40oE
      4. 35oE


    4. The wearing away of the earth surface by erosion is known as;
      1. Exfoliation
      2. Soil erosion
      3. Glaciations
      4. Denudation


    5. The drainage pattern on Mt. Elgon is known as?
      1. Radial
      2. Trellis
      3. Dendrite
      4. Centripetal





    6. Which of the following areas has the highest population density?
      1. Soroti
      2. Morogoro
      3. Bukoba
      4. Garisa


    7. Which one of the following is an example of an extractive industry in East Africa?
      1. Flour milling
      2. Sugar cane refining
      3. Steal rolling
      4. Copper mining


    8. Which of the following tribes in East Africa are nomadic pastoralists?
      1. Turkana
      2. Iteso
      3. Sukuma
      4. Gogo


    9. Which of the following towns in Uganda is most affected by air pollution?
      1. Mbale
      2. Mukono
      3. Tororo
      4. Lira


    10. Which one of the following aims is correct about Field Work?
      1. Date polishing     
      2. Data storage    
      3. Data correction    
      4. Data collection.


    11. The process by which a river erodes its bed using its load is called
      1. Abrasion
      2. Attrition
      3. Hydraulic action
      4. Solution









Answer 4 questions from part II, including question 1, 2, and 3 which are compulsory.





Answer all parts of this question.


Study the map of NYARWEYO and answer the questions that follow:


  1.     Identify the man made feature found at grid reference:
    1. 165235                            (01mark)
    2. 206330                            (01mark)


  2.     Find the grid reference of the following features
    1. A knoll at Ndekya     (01mark)
    2. Describe the location of the area             (01mark)


  3.     (i)    state the height of the hill at luhunga                (01marks)

(ii)     Calculate the vertical interval of the map            (01mark)


  1.     Reduce a sketch map by 21/2 and on it mark and name the following;
    1. Forested area
    2. Dry weather roads
    3. saddles
    4. sub-country boundary                        (09marks)
  2. i).calculate the new scale for the new sketch map drawn (01mark)

ii).Giving evidence, identify the problems faced by the people living in the area

where the map was drawn.                         (04marks)



2.     PHOTOGRAPH INTERPRETATION (compulsory)             (15marks)    


Study the photograph below and answer the questions that follow;















a) Draw a landscape sketch of the above photograph and on it mark and name the following;

        (i)     Water body

        (ii)     Conical hills

        (iii)     Settlement

        (iv)     Savannah vegetation                        (06marks)


b)     Explain the problems faced by people living in the area covered bythe                 photograph.                                (04marks)

c)     Outline the possible solutions to the problems explained in (b) above.


d)     Giving evidence for your answer, suggest one area in East Africa where the

photograph could have been taken                    (02marks)

3.    FIELD WORK (COMPULSORY)                         (15 marks)


For any fieldwork study you have carried as a group or as an individual:

  1.     (i)     State the topic of the fieldwork study.            (01mark)

(ii)     Outline the objectives of the study.                (03marks)

  1.     Draw a cross section of the area of study and on it mark and name the:
  • Physical features
  • Man-made features                        (05marks)
  1.     Explain how you used any two of the following methods

    (i)     Observation

    (ii)     Sketching

  • Recording                            (04marks)
  1.     Outline any two follow-up activities after the fieldwork study    (02marks)



EAST AFRICA (Choose any one Question)


4.     Study the table below showing the total land area of selected national parks in Uganda and answer the questions that follow.


National Park

Area (Km2)

Queen Elizabeth


Murchison Falls


Kidepo Valley


Lake Mburo



Source: NEMA State of the environment report 2007 page 92


  1. Draw a pie chart to show the relative importance for information shown in the table above                                            (05marks)
  2. (i)     Name the National park with the largest total land area.    (01mark)

(ii)     Describe the factors which have favored development ofthe tourist             industry in Uganda.                         (05marks)


c)     Explain the problems facing the tourist industry in Uganda.        (05marks)


d)     What steps are being taken to solve the problems explainedin (c) above.                                                     (04marks)



5.    a)     Distinguish between Shifting cultivation and plantation farming.    (05marks)

b)     Outline the characteristics of plantation farming.            (05marks)

c)     Describe the factors that favored the establishment of plantationarming in East             Africa.                                 (05marks)

d)     Explain the problems facing plantation agriculture in any one plantationin East             Africa.                                    (05marks)


6.     a)     what is meant by a glacier (02marks)

b)     Name any two areas covered by glaciers in East Africa ( 02marks)


c)     Describe the processes that have led to the formation of the following glacial features    

Pyramidal peak

Lateral moraine

An arête (06marks)

d)     Explain the benefits of the glaciations to the people of East Africa                e) Outline the disadvantages of leaving near the glaciated areas of East Africa                              (04marks)


7.     (a)    Draw a sketch map of East Africa and on it, mark and name one area of:

        (i)    Equatorial forests

        (ii)    Savana wood lands

        (iii)    Savana Grasslands

        (iv)    Montane forests                         (06marks)


    (b)    Describe factors for the existence of equatorial forests in East Africa.                                                     (05marks)

    (c)    (i)     Outline importance of equatorial forests to the people of East Africa.                                                 (05marks)

        (ii)    Explain the problems faced in commercial exploitation of equatorial                 forests in East Africa.                        (04marks)








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